On 2nd September, 2014, the Bombay Bar Association lost a very respected and esteemed member Mr. G.E. Vahanvati, the former Attorney General of India and also the former Advocate General of Maharashtra. A condolence meeting was held at the Bombay Bar Association premises which was attended was a large number of lawyers and also the family members of late Goolam Vahanvati. The President Dr. Sathe, Senior Advocate, recounted the long and illustrious judicial career of late Goolam Vahanvati and also his personal interactions with him. Mr. Rafique Dada, Senior Advocate, who had been a part of the same chambers as late Goolam Vahanvati, spoke with fond memories. Mr. Dinyar Madon, Senior Advocate, who was late Goolam Vahanvati’s junior and also very close and proximate to him, spoke fondly and recollected incidents, events and times spent with late Goolam Vahanvati. He spoke of late Goolam Vahanvati’s multifaceted personality and his various passions. The members met and conveyed their condolences to the Vahavati family